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The Full Story

      Hey there! I'm Ginger Jiang, your friendly neighbourhood product evolutionist by day, and a golf enthusiast by moonlight.


      This blog chronicles the adventures of a newbie female golfer on my quest to become a bogey golfer, sharing the swings, misses, and hole-in-ones that make the golfing world such a fascinating realm. But that's not all – it's also the story of how I crafted my very own apparel brand from the fairway up, blending personal growth with a passion for golf.  This is a tale of relentless improvement, deep dives into the unknown, and the building of something truly special, driven by an insatiable curiosity. 


      I'm here to connect, share, and inspire. So, if my stories strike a chord, or if you've got your own tales to tell, don't be shy! Drop a comment, hit share, or send a message my way. Let's make this a two-way street of fascinating stories and shared experiences. Welcome aboard!

Girl Holding Plant

©2024 by The Bogey Queen.

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